Power of Flowers Necklace - Details
How it comes together.
The Power of Flowers Necklace begins with a cubic-right angle weave (CRAW) collar of sorts. The collar straps are held open with round graduating rings of CRAW. The “fantasy’ flower takes center stage with its bezeled CZ bullet and graduating rounds of embellishing. The bottom portion of the collar stops short and wraps around the embellishments ending in two pearl caps. The necklace finishes off with two beautiful, beaded buttons and a connector.
Bezel work
Cubic Right-angle weave
Embellishing techniques
Petal variations on netting
Tubular peyote stitch, even count
Tubular peyote stitch with increasing
What you will need to complete your project:
Basic beading supplies
An assortment of beading needle sizes
Small, sharp scissors and a thread burner
Microcrystalline beading wax (optional, but I highly recommend it)
If you’d like to read about The Power of Flowers came to be, here is a link.
Workshop: This is a one-day workshop
Skill level: Intermediate to advanced
Necklace Length: As desired. Sample is worn short at 17 inches
Kit Prices.
Kit 1 - Pinks & Greens - $55.00
Kit 2 - Reds & Bronze - $55.00
Kit 3 - Purples & Turquoises - $55.00